Along with server resources, customer service is a basic element of a web hosting service. The specific virtual nature of hosting services and online distribution makes the provision of fast customer support really necessary for customers. General web hosting practice has shown that the use of an integrated ticketing system is the most efficient support channel for providing quick and helpful customer service.
What is Integrated Ticketing System?
A ticketing system refers to a web-based email communication system allowing for users to quickly contact the sales or technical support team of the host at any time and receive relevant responses to any inquiries or issues that may arise. Its main advantage over the other web hosting customer support methods, such as email, live chat, phone, is the possibility for an issue to be explained in details and discussed for a long time within a single ticket.
Why an Integrated Ticketing System?
For instance, discussing one issue by email may be very inconvenient and risky, since the message layout may be confusing and an email may be eventually lost after being sent back and forth between both parties. With the ticketing system – a trouble ticket allows for a long-term communication over one topic in a convenient interface without any risk for the messages to be lost. Each newly opened ticket is assigned a unique number and is kept in the system until the end of the customer's service subscription, so that they will be able to easily reference to a certain ticket any time they need to.
Integrated Ticketing System Benefits
The best thing about a ticketing system is that it is integrated into the customers' web hosting Control Panel, increasing its user-friendliness. Thus, users can easily open a ticket while working in any of the sections of their web hosting account. Using an integrated ticketing system is easy indeed for the customers. All they need to do is write a descriptive message about the inquiry or problem they are experiencing, send it to the host's support team and wait for a quick answer to fly back to your Control Panel while you are still working there.
Ticketing System Integrated Hosting Plans
You will be impressed with the timeliness of the integrated ticketing system coming with all hosting plans on this website. No matter which plan you choose to take advantage of you will be able to contact the experienced support team of NTC Hosting by opening an instant ticket from your Control Panel. Each message sent through the ticketing system is backed up by a 1-hour support response guarantee.
To open a ticket from NTC Hosting's integrated ticketing system you should log into the Control Panel, go to the Help Center section and select the 'Open New Ticket' icon. Once inside the Ticketing System interface, select whether you need to receive technical or billing assistance and then go ahead explaining the issue in as many details as necessary. The more information you supply, the more relevant and quick the response will be. Depending on the ticketing system loading at a given time, the support response time may be cut down to even 10 minutes!