You are planning to run a community website with many members and need to send them regular notifications about important events, or intend to manage an e-commerce store whose potential or existing customers you wish to inform about special promo campaigns? What you definitely need here is a mailing list service.
What is a Mailing List?
What does a mailing list represent actually? This is a list of e-mail addresses used by an individual or an organization to send certain messages (routine notifications about events, notifications or commercial emails about discounts, special sales campaigns) to multiple recipients. Those email addresses can be reached by sending only one email to the main mail list address. An email can only be sent to people who have given their consent to participate in an email list by sending a 'subscribe to' email to the main mailing list address. A 'mailing list' also refers to the group of subscribers to such a list.
How to create a Mailing list
The mailing list software coming with the web hosting packages offered by NTC Hosting is Majordomo - an easy-to-use automatic mail list manager. You only need to pass through a few quick steps before putting it into action. Simply type the mailing list address from where the newsletters will be sent, specify the desired mailing list control panel access password, add a valid admin email address (POP3/IMAP E-mail Accounts, Webmail account) and click on the Create Mailing List button.
How to use the Majordomo mailing list
Majordomo is mailing list software which provides automated, remote management of mailing lists. All you need is an Internet connection. All commands are sent to Majordomo via email. So let's check the commands used to manage Majordomo's basic features:
How to subscribe to a mailing list
Once you've created a Majordomo managed mailing list using the NTC Hosting Control Panel, you can easily subscribe an email to the list. For our example we will use the mailing list
To subscribe to the Majordomo managed mailing list, you need to send an email message to the address with the following command in the body of the message:
An example of how to subscribe to a Majordomo mailing list
subscribe exampleThis will subscribe the account from which you send the message to the mailing list. To subscribe other e-mail accounts (not the one from which you send the message) to your Majordomo mailing list, you need to use the command below:
An example of how to subscribe another mail to a Majordomo mailing list
subscribe example mail@my-ntc-domain.comHow to unsubscribe from a mailing list
If you decide to unsubscribe form a Majordomo managed mailing list, it is important to note that sending a message like "please unsubscribe me", or similar, won't work. The unsubscription process is as easy as the subscription, but a specific command needs to be sent to majordomo@ + the mailing list’s domain name. In our example ( the command should be sent to
An example of how to unsubscribe from a Majordomo mailing list
unsubscribe exampleThe command above will unsubscribe the email address from which you send the Majordomo's command. If you need to unsubscribe another mailbox you'll need to send a message with the following content:
An example of how to unsubscribe another email from a Majordomo mailing list
unsubscribe example mail@my-ntc-domain.comHow to send a message to a mailing list
To send an email to all the members of the mailing list you need just to post the message to the mailing list’s email Then the Majordomo software will handle your message and will automatically send it to all the subscribers to the list.

Other useful Majordomo commands
Who - Using the 'who' command, the Majordomo mailing list's users can view the exact email with which they are subscribed to the list. This command is useful in case the client is subscribed to the mailing list, but because of using forwarding, or for other reasons, doesn't know the exact address with which he/she is subscribed. In such a case the subscribed member just needs to send the following command to
An example of how to use the 'who' command in Majordomo
who exampleWhich - If you are using an email address for receiving messages from several mailing lists at the same domain. For example, you are subscribed with the mailbox to the mailing lists and You can view a list of the mailing lists by sending the following command to
An example of how to use the 'which' command in Majordomo
which mail@my-ntc-domain.comHelp - The 'help' command will send back to you all the commands accepted by Majordomo with detailed descriptions. For example, if you need to check what other commands might be available on the Majordomo server running, you need to send a message to with the command below:
An example of how to use the 'help' command in Majordomo
With any of the hosting packages that we, at NTC Hosting, are offering, you get a Majordomo mailing list installation with many options for full control over your e-mail notification campaigns. You can set up your mailing list easily using the Mailing lists section of our Web Hosting Control Panel's Email Manager. Also, our mailing list system can be simply integrated for keeping in touch with your community members or customers of your Joomla, WordPress or osCommerce based website.